Wednesday, June 27, 2012


  Having the Goal of Becoming an Entrepreneur ?

What comes to mind when taking a vision off paper and building your own business of choice? First, you must know what a successful business consist of. By understanding the definition of a successful business leads to the purpose and goals of your ideal business. Will you be willing to face the biggest challenges? Will the economy impact your business? What is a good location? These are questions you should be able to answer during the planning of an upcoming franchise. Who will you partner with? Who will be your competition? In the near future I plan to open a Special Education Daycare for children with special needs. I chose this field because children will never go extinct, they are born hourly. I plan to provide children with teachers and mentors to assist with daily living and curriculum and instruction. If there is anyone who would like to discuss more about establishing a business contact me on at the link below.

Follow me on Twitter @CamilleMcWhinne

1 comment:

  1. I think this is an awesome idea Camille. I hear a lot about mothers who have special need children and have trouble with support groups and daycares. Building a business is tough but with a blueprint I think you will do great. Good luck in this endeavor.
