Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Positive Reflection

A Positive Reflection of Camille Hendersons' Philosophy of Teaching

 Age Group: 2-5 years old
I chose this photo because this group of students taught me the true meaning of an effective teacher. This class also taught me the importance of patience and diversity. In result, I discovered if the thought of diversity and patience is not considered in a classroom setting, an instructor is prone to make mistakes, which may result in an ineffective impact on a child. To understand each individuals needs and providing a student learning environment is a important to a child's education. As a teacher their are roles and responsibilities to be followed to insure a teacher is setting a model example, such as the Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics are rules to follow to set a professional example of a teacher. An instructor striving for excellence will follow the Code and have a Philosophy of Teaching as well. I plan to make a positive impact on children where ever I go, whether in the store, a high school game or a classroom setting. I have high hopes of owning a facility making accommodations for people all over the world who are in need of a second chance. Overall, teaching is my passion because children are honest individuals who will tell the truth whether it’s wanted or not.


  1. Facilities that can work with special needs children--increasingly, more and more toddlers are getting diagnosed on the autism spectrum--are a great idea, especially in states where the prevalence is very high: Utah, New Jersey, Arizona.

  2. This is so true. I believe if diversity was in the classrooms many of the students could relate to the work and connect it to their world and give them a better understanding of it. Subjects like history and literature help with students identity and contribution to the world. I think your vision is wonderful and will help many students.

  3. I agree 100% diversity is very important in the classroom. Many teachers forget how important it is. I love the fact that you posted a pic with your students!! Very cute!! :)
